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Sunday, October 14, 2012


This function is very useful when you want to return the value of a cell in terms of specified number rows and columns from a cell or range of cells that are reference in a range adjacent to it.


Enter the following values in Excel:

A1: Customer ID B1: Name C1: DVD Title Purchased D1: Cost
A2: CD-123 B2: Jeniffer C2: Dawn of the Dead D2: $6.99
A3: CD-456 B3: Tim C3: Titanic D3: $18.99
A4: CD-789 B4: Clark C4: The Mechanic D4: $14.99

Then select cell A6 & paste the following command:

Above function will return value as 'CD-789'.

C1 - Is the cell referenced (reference,rows,col,[height],[width])

3    - Is the number by which rows move. To move Down, umber has to be Positive & to move Up, number has to be Negative (reference,rows,col,[height],[width])

-1  - It is the number by which columns move. To move right, number has to be Positive & to move left, number has to be negative (reference,rows,col,[height],[width])

Optional Parameters:
1   - Indicates how many rows of data to return. This number must be a positive number (reference,rows,col,[height],[width])

1    - Indicates how many columns of data to return. This number must be a positive number (reference,rows,col,[height],[width])

See image below:

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